About Me

Cover Letter
        This is the Expert you’ve been looking for. With my up-to-date fashion experience and cutting-edge style
You’ll be adding an exceptional member to your team since I am incredibly interested in this position with your brand and believe that my education in Fashion Design and my employment background are appropriate for this position.
     While working toward my BFA degree, I was employed in retail, sales, and design fields for stylish fashion companies, where I got the chance to learn on the job and contribute to new projects & shows. I would like to duplicate the success by combining my knowledge of color, fabric, sewing, IL, and computer technology and my experience in retail, design & marketing positions. I can maintain the job recruitment.
     I know the responsibility and opportunities available to qualified designers today, and I’d like to be one of those you select to work for you. I welcome a new challenge and the opportunity to interview with you. I look forward to talking with you regarding opportunities.
     Within the next few weeks, I will contact you to confirm that you received my resume and to answer any questions you may have
   Thank you for your consideration
ItzaFashion by Maritza       itzafashionbrand@icloud.com      @itzafashionbrand